Sunday, March 29, 2009

dwb3 2

After reading an article entitled “Five Easy Pieces: Steps toward Integrating AAVE into the Classroom”, I was very enlightened about the positive effects and importance that come along with incorporating AAVE into a classroom setting. The article showed how many teachers struggle to find a balance between AAVE and Standard English in the classroom. This particular article discussed a teacher contemplating over the fact should she herself be teaching her student AAVE and allow it to influence the students in her class. The author discusses how AAVE is a very controversial issue and remains an ongoing controversial issue to date. The author questions herself “what exactly is AAVE?”. The issue pending is whether or not this form of dialect should be taught and what are the advantages and disadvantages that would come along with that decision.
The key issue that is being faced here is that there is a major misconception over what AAVE actually is. The author gives a great example of how Bill Cosby, a prominent figure in the black community, is totally biased to the fact that students should be taught AAVE. The reason for such is that he, and many others, feel that it is overall just a sloppy, second rate way to speak Standard English. Bill Cosby and others alike feel that if one were to speak in this heinous language then they could never be a doctor or a lawyer or hold any type of prestigious career. The real problem here is that whole notion is a major misconception. AAVE is not a way to speak ‘sloppy’ what so ever. It is in fact another dialect. What teachers and supporters of AAVE are trying to do is allow students who speak this way to incorporate it in their school environment. They no longer want students to be seen being penalized for the way they would speak at home or in a comfortable setting. The article gives specific steps as to which a teacher should take if they choose to incorporate AAVE into their curriculum or school setting. The author strong believes that multicultural differences should be highlighted and enhanced in the classroom. This way of running the class will enrich the classrooms learning experience and depth. The strong point that is made is about the way that AAVE is actually talked about in the article. The article makes a clear point that AAVE is not slang and that misconception leads to a majority of the problems that give it a negative bias. AAVE should always be held in a positive light because of the benefits in diversity and enlightenment it gives to the classroom, and the real world. I really believe the main focus of this article was to show the importance of teaching students to use AAVE and to be supportive and caring through the process.
I believe that article made a strong argument about AAVE’s role in composition studies. It showed how some teachers are actually trying to incorporate AAVE , instead of totally dispelling it. The article allows us to see the importance of keeping a variety of dialects and languages as a backdrop of a classroom. This is because students get more experiences to the real world and diverse cultures. Overall this was article show the importance of incorporating AAVE in a school setting and the positive effects that it will have.

Annotated Bibliographies

Amanda J. Godley, Julie Sweetland, Rebecca S. Wheeler, Angela Minnici and Brian D. Carpenter. “Preparing Teachers for Dialectally Diverse Classrooms”. Educational Researcher, Vol. 35, No. 8 (Nov., 2006), pp. 30-37.

This article shows the importance of having teachers prepared when they are entering classrooms with muit-dilect students. How they need to take careful consideration and steps to accommodate all students and make sure students feel comfortable in this diverse atmosphere.

Bean Janet, Maryann Cucchiara, Robert Eddy, Peter Elbow, Rhonda Grego, Rich Haswell, Patricia Irvine, Eileen Kennedy, Ellie Kutz, Al Lehner, and Paul Kei Matsuda. “Should We Invite Students to Write in Home Languages? Complicating the Yes/No Debate.” Composition Studies 31.1 (2003): 25-41.

This article is about how people choose to speak in their native and natural dialects in particular situations. The articles references times and conditions when a student should choose to in their natural dialects or consider speaking in Standard English.

Jewett, Sarah. "If You Don't Identify with Your Ancestry, You're like a Race without a Land": Constructing Race at a Small Urban Middle School”. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Jun., 2006), pp. 144-161.

Article shows how teachers, principles, and adults alike react and handle situations dealing with different dialects and race at a particular middle school. It shows and methods different ways in which teachers and others should handle situations with different dialects and how all should be respects.

Whitney, Jessica. “Five Easy Pieces: Steps toward Integrating AAVE into the Classroom”. The English Journal, Vol. 94, No. 5 (May, 2005), pp. 64-69.

This article shows different methods and key steps to take when intergrating AAVE into the classroom. It shows the importance of not just using Standard English, but having students hold true to their roots. In doing that, it has students that have never been exposed to AAVE broaden their horizons. Importance and relevance of keeping AAVE into the classroom is expressed in this article.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


It really is amazing the things you can accomplish when you least expect it. After reading Ramsey’s “Teaching the Teachers to Teach Black Dialect Writers”, I found Ramsey’s experiences to hold true to that notion. Ramsey is a professor and is asked to teach a group of grad-students with a black dialect how to speak Standard English, or in general how to speak well. Ramsey question whether or not this is a credible course and worth its weight, hoping students do not sign up. However much interest in the class results in his teaching of it for the semester where through trials and tribulations he and his students learn the importance of the class and how much they accomplished.
Ramsey starts off the school year with having the students do general article readings. He found that found class discussions however, is where most the learning took place. He used many tools to teach these students how to speak “correctly” with much haste. Particularly the discussion of analyzing scholarly articles were most effective. At the end of the day the students and Ramsey realized that being bi-dialect was key. They found that the students need to utilize both dialects in their everyday lives. Even after all the theories that they reviewed, there was one general consensus derived by the entire class, “My students quickly saw that there were many theories, some of them foolish, most of them untried, few of them proven. In short, there were no pat answers or fool-proof methods for teaching black dialect writers”( Ramsey 198).
The article went about discussing composition studies by showing Ramsey’s approach and methodology in teaching the class and analyzing overall dialects effect on writing. Ramsey and his students decided to make the class untheoritical oriented and more practically oriented. A great tool which they used was dissecting and analyzing dialect-writer's paper. This would help the students learn and see mistakes they made in their speech or writing. The class then started to develop the idea that the class was really about how to teach writing. Ramsey often found himself not teaching problems with the dialect writer, but errors that any normal college student would face in writing. The classes goal shifted to how to write in general. It had nothing to do with dialect, just the general fact of how to write.
Ramsey found that issue of whether or not these students wanted to learn Standard English was an issue, because they wanted to learn it. These students recognized that if they wanted to survive and function in the real world, you had to utilize this way of speaking and writing.
I found the fact that these students issue with speaking in writing is not because of their dialect, but because they have a problem with writing in general was very interesting. It makes sense to me. I feel that if teachers see a student struggling in writing and they are a minority, they automatically assume it is because they have a dialect, which is inaccurate . I think because of this notion, this article effectively make an argument about a role in composition studies .

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


For this unit I decided to do an IAR analysis on Lisa Nakamuras, “Cybertyping and the Work of Race and Age in the Digital Reproduction.” I found this text very appealing and very prevalent to today’s society. There is this notion that discrimination is no longer existent. That we live in this color coded world of sunshine and flowers. The truth is, if you believe this, you are in fact very blind. This can be seen very easily when one logs on the internet.
When the internet was first “invented” let’s say, it was supposed to be a utopia for people of all age, race, sex and gender to come and be whoever they wanted to be. The magic and appealing nature of the internet was the fact that finally there was a place where people would no longer be judged on the content of external features. Sadly, like a freshly bought toy that becomes worn out, so did this dream. The internet has become a place of discrimination, a digital divide. When people log on to the internet, it is geared mostly toward white users. When we look at ads, site set up, or content used, it is drawing in that type of person. Standard English is the dominant language used on the internet, rarely do you see AAVE. What is most crucial to my point and what is most striking, is when on the rare occasion you get to see AAVE something out of the ordinary happens. Instead of the difference being celebrated and accepted amongst internet users, it is most often looked down upon. Nakumura saw this “discrimination” quite common across the board, “the internet is a place where race happens. In the early days of the Net, technological visionaries imagined the online world as a Utopian space where everything-even transcending racism-was possible. But now the internet “revolution” is over, a fact upon which nearly everyone from hackers to academics to dot com investors can agree”(Nakumaura 396). This is what I found key in this reading. That many African American people are trying to go on social networking sites or are trying to get themselves out there on the internet, and are getting shut down by discrimination. When AAVE is being used on the internet, most often you will find some arrogant person on the other side trying to bring it down. Nakumaura did recognize that there is this “digital divide” with gender, sex, and race. I truly believe the only way to completely absorb it and demolish it is for online users to keep persisting. If online users keep using AAVE and keep positive attitudes I believe that will encourage other people to use AAVE.
Overall the Nakumara reading game me an excellent basis for my paper. It really helped me see that even in the large scale world of the internet; discrimination can still be very prevalent. The point is to keep on going on using AAVE and hopefully reach a point one day when there won’t be a digital divide.

Monday, March 2, 2009

discrimination liberation

The reading that I did was on Stephen Knadlers “E-racing”. The reading was basically about how most people try to complicate the idea of race, sex, and gender on the internet creating this digital divide. Although the ones who seem to ignore this stereotype seem to be the ones who are most liberated in the end.
Stephen Knader, shows how African American women at Spelman College have decided to ignore the constraints and precautions placed on putting yourself out there on the internet. What these women do is have the opportunity to make personal blogs about themselves on the internet. They have the ability to finally express themselves and they take full advantage of it. They do not worry about factors and discrimination that usually take place in the workplace or school setting. These women still believe that you can represent yourself on these personal profile sites. He shows that these women believe that in school setting and in the work place that have to disguise their true personalities and characteristics. He shows that many African American women feel uncomfortable talking in Ebonics and just being themselves in the everyday public setting. However, with these personal profile sites, these women can express who they are. The African American women can finally show their “blackness” to the world. Knadler describes a women who feels free to describe and express who she is on the internet, “When LaChia says that she wants someone to “feel her writing,” she is saying that women’s e-spaces are not about a postmodernist play of identities, but about finding the ideal community where she no longer has to explain or apologize for her “Blackness” and where others understand her as she understands herself” (Knadler 236). Knadler then describes how these women know there are implications for what you post on the internet, “they know that there is no such thing as “free-writing” online because everything that they write has implications for how they are perceived as racial subjects. In contrast to the inhibited or silenced white woman who needs to be unshackled from her socialized restraints, middle-class African-American women often feel the pressure to code switch, to police themselves against acting “Black, Black” and to express only one part of their carefully negotiated hybrid identities” (Knadler 237).
The point is, these women still make online posts. They still voice their opinions. After all the adversity they still would make posts including AAVE features. These women truly believe the internet was a place to be free, and to ignore the haters.