Sunday, March 29, 2009

Annotated Bibliographies

Amanda J. Godley, Julie Sweetland, Rebecca S. Wheeler, Angela Minnici and Brian D. Carpenter. “Preparing Teachers for Dialectally Diverse Classrooms”. Educational Researcher, Vol. 35, No. 8 (Nov., 2006), pp. 30-37.

This article shows the importance of having teachers prepared when they are entering classrooms with muit-dilect students. How they need to take careful consideration and steps to accommodate all students and make sure students feel comfortable in this diverse atmosphere.

Bean Janet, Maryann Cucchiara, Robert Eddy, Peter Elbow, Rhonda Grego, Rich Haswell, Patricia Irvine, Eileen Kennedy, Ellie Kutz, Al Lehner, and Paul Kei Matsuda. “Should We Invite Students to Write in Home Languages? Complicating the Yes/No Debate.” Composition Studies 31.1 (2003): 25-41.

This article is about how people choose to speak in their native and natural dialects in particular situations. The articles references times and conditions when a student should choose to in their natural dialects or consider speaking in Standard English.

Jewett, Sarah. "If You Don't Identify with Your Ancestry, You're like a Race without a Land": Constructing Race at a Small Urban Middle School”. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Jun., 2006), pp. 144-161.

Article shows how teachers, principles, and adults alike react and handle situations dealing with different dialects and race at a particular middle school. It shows and methods different ways in which teachers and others should handle situations with different dialects and how all should be respects.

Whitney, Jessica. “Five Easy Pieces: Steps toward Integrating AAVE into the Classroom”. The English Journal, Vol. 94, No. 5 (May, 2005), pp. 64-69.

This article shows different methods and key steps to take when intergrating AAVE into the classroom. It shows the importance of not just using Standard English, but having students hold true to their roots. In doing that, it has students that have never been exposed to AAVE broaden their horizons. Importance and relevance of keeping AAVE into the classroom is expressed in this article.

1 comment:

  1. As we talked about in class, a few of your sources aren't related to the field. You might try finding additional sources in _JAC_, _CCC_, or _College English_.
