Monday, April 20, 2009


For one of the genres that I choose for my project four, I decided to use Personal and Private writing. The basis of my project was to create a website or PowerPoint to show the different appropriate of AAVE in the pop culture and media world. What I was planning on doing for this section was showing the different usage of AAVE from users on and other social networking sites. I thought that showing the actual usage etc. by people that do use it in their everyday lives would make it more clear and meaningful to the audience. When I would show a section or a couple of phrases used by persons of these social networking sites and decode it and show was the meaning of certain phrases meant in Standard English. I also would then show perhaps some AAVE being appropriated on popular pop culture websites or show a prominent figure in the media using AAVE. The point to get across is to show that AAVE is used widely in the medial and on popular websites and it is okay to speak and use AAVE. I then would like to put in just a regular conversation that I would record and show it being used in everyday life. I want to show the differences and similarities in AAVE and Standard English and how they are not so different after all.
For my second genre I was going to look at the media in television. Here I would look at shows such as BET and the cooking channel, MTV etc. I would record the different uses of AAVE since they are very wide and abundant. On my website I would show the different sites or what not with the different prominent figures in the media who use AAVE, or just example of AAVE used in those such areas. I think this will be interesting the audience because I could include a lot of games ( worksheet) and perhaps interactive things to do here. I would also make sure to show the different music influences with AAVE mainly used on MTV, which is greatly a main role in AAVE.
I think both of these genres will really show my audience that AAVE is everywhere. It is widely accepted and used and I feel that it is very “hip” and “in” to use AAVE. I think that showing its different usage in a wide variety of popular media spaces while incorporating some learning interaction, the audience can take a little bit of AAVE away with them that they did not have before.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My topic proposal for project four will be very similar to what I discussed in project two. I am going to make a power point or a webpage discussing different methods and ways with AAVE is discussed in the digital space. This time I feel like I will have more freedom and I can make it more in-depth. I would be able to look at a variety of pop culture based cites, not just, which is what I would used before. I would use the bases of what I used before that it is pretty much discriminated against in the digital space, however there are many places where AAVE is accepted and appropriated.
I also want focus on more of the pop culture theme instead of the scholarly articles. I want to go on more famous and popular sites to look if AAVE is appropriated such as and other spaces such as that. Instead of my web page or PowerPoint being directed solely toward the scholarly college persons I want to direct it toward teenagers. I want the youth to benefit from learning about AAVE because they are the ones who will affect the outcomes and difference in generations to come. I want to take advantage of all of the music that is out there and that is very popular with students and somehow incorporate it into my presentation or webpage. I want to show how features of AAVE is shown greatly in very popular and well liked music to date. Also I think I would like to go out in the actual field and document a student or students using AAVE and incorporate that into my webpage. Show how it is actually used to day and how that has changed over the past thirty years since the introduction of Ebonics as an actual Language. Lastly, even though I believe that the main focus of my project will be how current and hip using AAVE in the mainstream media is, I would like to have a small focus on how using it in the quote on quote real world affects people. How some people struggle with getting jobs, a good education, are discriminated against, etc. for using AAVE in their everyday language. I think this will be a key factor in my project and will show the other side as to why there is still that notion of discrimination against AAVE.
Overall I want to show how AAVE may be discriminated against, but it is very popular in the young generation. If you look at music or magazines AAVE is appropriated everywhere and it is almost “hip” and in style to be current with AAVE terms and usage. Knowing the meaning and phrases of Lil Wayne and TI and T-Pain alike are very important in our generation today so I want to reflect that in my PowerPoint and or webpage.